Thursday, January 3, 2013

Decision January issue article

"You Shall Not Commit Adultery" REFLECTING GOD’S COVENANT LOVE January 1, 2013 by Don Wilton Nowhere in Scripture are biblical values stated more succinctly. So what are the commandments, and what do they mean for us today? The Bible teaches that we are made right with God by His grace, through faith—not by obeying the Old Testament law. But these 10 commands are moral standards that reflect God’s holy character and define the way He intends for humans to live. This month, due to the frequency and prominence of this issue in the news, we consider the commandment forbidding adultery. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the hope of the world. In every way, it is good news. When John the Baptist was commissioned by God to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, he was affirmed by Zechariah “to give [God’s] people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins” (Luke 1:77). Without this wonderful hope in Christ, the issue of adultery would leave many people with absolutely no hope at all. So, whatever situation you may find yourself in, please don’t stop reading. Make no mistake about God’s attitude in this regard. Adultery is sin, and sin is never to be taken lightly. All sin condemns us before a Holy God. The Bible is clear that “all have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one” (Romans 3:11-12). But remember that Jesus Christ is our hope. He came to this world because of the love of God for all sinners. When Jesus died on the cross, He took on Himself the sins of all who would repent, confess their sin to the Lord Jesus, and accept Him by faith. And faith is the wonderful means given to us by God’s Holy Spirit, whereby we take God at His Word. The Bible tells all sinners to “repent, then, and turn to God, so that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” (Acts 3:19). The very act of confessing sins to God and the necessary act of repenting from those sins for salvation is the essential means by which even the sin of adultery can be forgiven. When the Apostle Paul spoke of the forgiveness of “all” sin, he quoted David who wrote in the Psalms, “Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against him” (Romans 4:7-8). This is the prayer of faith for salvation for all who would believe on His name. But what about believers who commit adultery? Again the Bible is clear. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). The us and the we here refer to all those who belong to the Lord Jesus Christ and are a part of His family. Such a believer must confess the sin of adultery to Jesus, repent of that sin, and then “go and sin no more!” This is exactly what happened to the woman who was caught in the very act of adultery. The Pharisees hauled her before the Lord Jesus and demanded that she be condemned without remedy. Jesus rebuked them and turned her sin on them by saying, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” (John 8:7). Needless to say, her accusers began to recoil and walk away from her because they had been confronted by the truth of the all-encompassing reality of sin. All sin, Jesus was implying, is sin—regardless. While some sin affects and hurts people in their relationships more than others, and while certain sins carry harsher societal and spiritual punishment than others, all sin is counted as unrighteous before God because He is holy and pure and can in no way accommodate, tolerate or excuse any sin. Such was the case with this sinful woman. The redemptive hope for all adulterers lies in what Jesus had to say to her personally after He had taken care of the indignation of the people who howled for her to be brought to justice: “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” Looking around, and rightly astonished, she affirmed that all her accusers had left her alone with Jesus. At this point Jesus says to her, “Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin” (John 8:10-11). Wow! What a message of hope. So, let’s take a closer look at the issue of adultery and consider what God has to say about it. Adultery continues to be a buzzword that stirs the emotions of believers and unbelievers alike. It is everywhere and seems to draw no boundaries in society. People from every walk of life succumb to it—from commoners to movie stars, politicians, military generals, royalty and members of churches. It does not take long for those caught in adultery to start lining up excuses of every imaginable type. Blame is often assigned to those most offended and affected by it, while issues such as honor, integrity and faithfulness are bounced around in every conversation. Families are frequently shattered and children’s lives are left broken and battered by the storm. There is nothing good about adultery, and God does not offer even the slightest excuse to any person for any reason to ever commit this grievous sin against God and his or her fellow man. All of the Ten Commandments reflect the character of a loving and righteous God. While the first four reflect man’s vertical relationship to God, the next six reflect man’s horizontal relationship to one another. And this is where we find this commandment on adultery. Opinions concerning the exact meaning of adultery are offered frequently by those attempting to find a “loophole” for their sin. When God spoke the words “Do not commit adultery,” He was establishing the fact that any sexual activity between a man and a woman outside of marriage is adultery. In so doing, God affirmed three very important things. First, He affirmed that marriage was to be only between a man and a woman. Second, He affirmed that this relationship was to be monogamous and permanent. Third, He affirmed the sanctity of the marriage relationship, which was to be undefiled. The marriage relationship was to be sacred. This is where we see the character of a loving God so clearly on display. In Moses’ day, pagan cultures were infiltrating the Israelites. God’s law was being defiled and golden calves were constructed as an alternative means of divine protection and deliverance. The Israelites’ behavior was becoming a mirror image of the world in which they lived. But God would have none of it. His covenant with His people was tied in to the way in which He remains faithful and true to all who believe in Him. The marriage covenant between a man and a woman should reflect that faithfulness. God wants us to remain true to each other—just as He remains true to us. Only His way matters. ©2012 Don Wilton

Friday, December 28, 2012

Jesus meets our needs- Anne Graham Lotz

Jesus Meets Our Needs "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself." John 12:32, NKJV Often, when I arrive in a city to participate in some conference or seminar, the organizers will take me aside and tell me privately about the various people who will be attending. They describe the multitude. People with broken hearts and broken homes and broken dreams and broken hopes. And then they say, "Anne, we want you to know about someone in particular because we're hoping you will say something that will meet his or her needs." If I accepted that burden, I would be crushed under it! There's no way I can meet all those needs, so I usually respond with something like, "That's impossible! There are too many diverse needs. I can't address them all individually. But I can just give them Jesus." And again and again, I have seen Jesus personally meet the spiritual needs of the multitude - one by one. Jesus has given me ample resources to meet the spiritual needs of others because He has given me Himself and He has given me His Word. Blessings, Anne Graham Lotz AnGeL Ministries Website Charles Swindoll message

December 28, 2012 Let God Build Your House by Charles R. Swindoll Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Psalm 127:1 Here's the idea. During those all-important early months and years of marriage, make sure that the Lord your God is the heart and center of your family! If He is not, the whole experience is a study in futility---a wasted, empty, counterproductive effort. It will all be in vain. He doesn't have in mind a home that hangs a lot of religious mottos on the walls or a couple that simply goes to church regularly or offers up a quick prayer before meals or places a big Bible on the living room coffee table. No, the essential ingredient is "the Lord." A family gets started on the right foot when Jesus Christ is in each life (husband and wife are both born again), and when the lengthening shadow of His Lordship pervades that relationship. When a couple makes Christ a vital part of their life, in the terms of the psalm, that's when "the Lord builds the house." Excerpted from Charles R. Swindoll, Wisdom for the Way (Nashville: J. Countryman, a division of Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2001). Copyright © 2001 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

“God with us” (Christmas message by Charles Spurgeon)

Recently, I saw a powerful video clip from a Charles Spurgeon called "God with us". I plan to share this tomorrow morning as part of 10:30 Celebration Service sermon. Below is part of the text from the 1854 Charles Spurgeon that word in the clip were taken from. Now we come to close with THE NAME OF CHRIST—“And shall call His name Immanuel.” 6 The Birth of Christ Sermon #2392 6 Volume 40 I hoped, dear Friends, that I would have my voice this morning, that I might talk about my Master’s name. I hoped to be allowed to drive along in my swift chariot, but, as the wheels are taken off, I must be content to go as I can. We sometimes creep when we cannot go and go when we cannot run, but oh, here is a sweet name to close up with—“She shall call His name Immanuel.” Others in the olden time called their children by names which had meaning in them. They did not give them the names of eminent persons whom they would very likely grow up to hate, and wish they had never heard of! They had names full of meaning which recorded some circumstance of their birth. There was Cain—“I have gotten a man from the Lord,” said his mother, and she called him Cain, that is, “Gotten,” or, “Acquired.” There was Seth—that is, “Appointed,” for his mother said, “God has appointed me another seed instead of Abel.” Noah means “Rest,” or, “Comfort.” Ishmael was so called by his mother because God had heard her. Isaac was called, “Laughter,” because he brought laughter to Abraham’s home. Jacob was called the supplanter, or the crafty one, because he would supplant his brother. We might point out many similar instances—perhaps this custom was a good one among the Hebrews, though the peculiar formation of our language might not allow us to do the same, except in a certain measure. We see, therefore, that the Virgin Mary called her son, Immanuel, that there might be a meaning in His name, “God with us.” My soul, ring these words again, “God with us.” Oh, it is one of the bells of Heaven! Let us strike it yet again—“God with us.” Oh, it is a stray note from the sonnets of Paradise! “God with us.” Oh, it is the lisping of a seraph! “God with us.” Oh, it is one of the notes of the singing of Jehovah when He rejoices over His Church with singing! “God with us.” Tell it, tell it, tell it—this is the name of Him who is born today— “Hark, the herald angels sing!” This is His name, “God with us”—God with us, by His Incarnation, for the august Creator of the world did walk upon this globe! He who made ten thousand orbs, each of them more mighty and more vast than this earth, became the Inhabitant of this tiny atom! He who was from everlasting to everlasting, came to this world of time and stood upon the narrow neck of land betwixt the two unbounded seas! “God with us.” He has not lost that name—Jesus had that name on earth and He has it, now, in Heaven! He is now, “God with us.” Believer, He is God with you to protect you! You are not alone, because the Savior is with you! Put me in the desert, where vegetation grows not—I can still say, “God with us.” Put me on the wild ocean and let my ship dance madly on the waves—I would still say, “Immanuel, God with us.” Mount me on the sunbeam and let me fly beyond the western sea—still I would say, “God with us.” Let my body dive down into the depths of the ocean and let me hide in its caverns—still I could, as a child of God say, “God with us.” Yes, and in the grave, sleeping there in corruption—still I can see the footmarks of Jesus! He trod the path of all His people and His name is still, “God with us.” But if you would know this name most sweetly, you must know it by the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Has God been with us this morning? What is the use of coming to Chapel if God is not there? We might as well be at home if we have no visits of Jesus Christ and, certainly, we may come, and come, and come as regularly as that door turns on its hinges unless it is, “God with us,” by the influence of the Holy Spirit! Unless the Holy Spirit takes the things of Christ and applies them to our heart, it is not, “God with us.” Otherwise, God is a consuming fire. It is “God with us” that I love— “Till God in human flesh I see, My thoughts no comfort find.” Now ask yourselves, do you know what “God with us” means? Has it been God with you in your tribulations, by the Holy Spirit’s comforting influence? Has it been God with you in searching the Scriptures? Has the Holy Spirit shone upon the Word? Has it been God with you in conviction, bringing you to Sinai? Has it been God with you in comforting you, by bringing you, again, to Calvary? Do you know the full meaning of that name, Immanuel, “God with us”? No— he who knows it best knows little of it! Alas, he who knows it not at all is ignorant, indeed—so ignorant that his ignorance is not bliss, but will be his damnation! Oh, may God teach you the meaning of that name, Immanuel, “God with us”! Now let us close. “Immanuel.” It is wisdom’s mystery, “God with us.” Sages look at it and wonder. Angels desire to see it. The plumb-line of reason cannot reach half-way into its depths. The eagle wings of science cannot fly so high and the piercing eye of the vulture of research cannot see it! “God with us.” It is Hell’s terror! Satan trembles at the sound of it. His legions fly apace, the black-winged dragon of the Pit quails before it! Let Satan come to you suddenly and do you but whisper that word, “God with us”—back he falls—confounded and confused! Satan trembles when he hears that Sermon #2392 The Birth of Christ 7 Volume 40 7 name, “God with us.” It is the laborer’s strength—how could he preach the Gospel, how could he bend his knees in prayer, how could the missionary go into foreign lands, how could the martyr stand at the stake, how could the confessor acknowledge his Master, how could men labor if that one word were taken away? “God with us,” is the sufferer’s comfort, is the balm of his woe, is the alleviation of his misery, is the sleep which God gives to His beloved, is their rest after exertion and toil. Ah, and to finish, “God with us” is eternity’s sonnet, is Heaven’s hallelujah, is the shout of the glorified, is the song of the redeemed, is the chorus of angels, is the everlasting oratorio of the great orchestra of the sky! “God with us”— “Hail You Immanuel, all Divine, In You Your Father’s glories shine! You brightest, sweetest, fairest One, That eyes have seen or angels known.” Now, a happy Christmas to you all and it will be a happy Christmas if you have God with you! I shall say nothing, today, against festivities on this great birthday of Christ. I hold that, perhaps, it is not right to have the birthday celebrated, but we will never be among those who think it as much a duty to celebrate it the wrong way as others the right! But we will, tomorrow, think of Christ’s birthday. We shall be obliged to do it, I am sure, however sturdily we may hold to our rough Puritanism. And so, “let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” Do not feast as if you wished to keep the festival of Bacchus! Do not live, tomorrow, as if you adored some heathen divinity. Feast, Christians, feast! You have a right to feast. Go to the house of feasting tomorrow! Celebrate your Savior’s birth. Do not be ashamed to be glad—you have a right to be happy. Solomon says, “Go your way, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart; for God now accepts your works. Let your garments be always white and let your head lack no ointment.”— “Religion never was designed To make our pleasures less.” Remember that your Master ate butter and honey. Go your way, rejoice tomorrow, but, in your feasting, think of the Man in Bethlehem—let Him have a place in your hearts, give Him the glory, think of the virgin who conceived Him—but think, most of all, of the Man born, the Child given! I finish by again saying— “A HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!” EXPOSITION BY C. H. SPURGEON: Matthew 2:1-12.

Monday, December 17, 2012

What is Carnal Christian?

What is a Carnal Christian? The term "carnal Christian" garnered a lot of attention during the so-called "Lordship controversy" of almost thirty years ago. Essentially, the argument went like this: one can accept Jesus as Savior but not as Lord, lest works be introduced into salvation. This teaching, in turn, leads to what was called a "carnal Christian." The term itself comes from 1 Corinthians 3:1-3, where Paul refers to some of the Corinthians as "carnal" or "in the flesh" (ESV). In response, both ideas - that of having Jesus as Savior but not as Lord and that of a carnal Christian - are patently false because unbiblical. First, if one claims Jesus as Savior, he will necessarily have Jesus as Lord too. In the Gospels alone the passages that teach this are too numerous to list. To put it in theological terms, if one is justified (i.e. counted righteous) then one will of necessity be sanctified (i.e. becoming more righteous). This happens in union with the risen Christ, as Paul clearly teaches in Romans 6:1-11, among many other places. Indeed, Paul's favorite term for a Christian is someone who is "in Christ." Second, the point of Paul's rebuke to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 is not to distinguish between a "spiritual" (i.e. wholly committed) Christian and a carnal Christian. Rather, the contrast is eschatological. That is, Paul is contrasting this present evil age (the age of "the flesh") with the age to come that has broken in by the resurrection of Christ (the age of the Spirit). Thus, Paul is saying that some at Corinth, though they had claimed Christ, were acting like they still belonged to this present evil age - like they were still in the flesh. Instead, says Paul, we must be those who are Spiritual, i.e. filled with the Holy Spirit. The "s" in spiritual here in 1 Corinthians, as with all of Paul's writings, ought to be capitalized because it is a reference to the Holy Spirit. So the argument for someone being a carnal Christian misses the point of what Paul is saying entirely. For Paul, one is either in Christ or in Adam (cf. Romans 5:12-21); there are no "halfway Christians." To be sure, those who are in Christ can act sometimes as if they were still unregenerate, still in Adam. Paul rebukes this behavior and calls for personal holiness by obedience to God's law. Such can only happen because the person is united to Christ by faith alone. Works play no part in justification. Further, sanctification itself is by grace alone in union with Christ. Nevertheless, as Calvin put it, if one is united to Christ by Spirit-wrought faith, then that person will not fail to grown in grace and holiness. Therefore, a carnal Christian is an impossibility. Gabriel Fluhrer is Executive Editor at reformation21

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Benefits of Milk Health Benefits of Milk Health benefits of milk include good bone health, smooth skin, strong immune system, prevention of illnesses such as hypertension, dental decay, dehydration, respiratory problems, obesity, osteoporosis and even some forms of cancer. The beneficial health nutrients obtained from milk are mandatory for human body and help in prevention of chronic ailments. he nutritional value of milk have always influenced people all over the world to include it in diet. Addition of milk in your daily diet can also help in achieving a well-balanced diet. Milk is an ideal source of nutrients such as vitamin A & B,calcium, carbohydrate, phosphorous, magnesium, protein, zinc and riboflavin. The Teagasc Dairy Products Research Centre at Moorepark, Fermoy has reported recent research on the utility of milk in neutralizing cholesterol content in the body. Many animals do provide us with this vital health substance, but cow’s milk is considered the best wholesome supplement for children as well as adults. Milk of other animals buffalo, goat, sheep, camel, reindeer and yak. Milk of horse and donkey is also consumed by humans, though this is rare. The health benefits of milk can be achieved from milk directly or its products such as cheese, butter, curd, clarified butter or ghee, dairy whitener, ice cream, cottage cheese or paneer, flavored milk, milk sweets etc. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has clearly mentioned in its Dietary Guidelines to include milk and milk products in the diet. Deficiency Symptoms: Milk deficiency can cause severe anemia, osteoporosis and other related illnesses. Milk consumption is very essential to maintain good health and doing normal activities. It is the best source of calcium for all age groups. Benefits: Milk is extremely beneficial drink for mankind. Some of the advantages of drinking this life-giving nectar are as follows: o Calcium: Milk is the best source of calcium supply to our body. Calcium protects the body from major chronic ailments such as cancerous chemicals, bone loss, arthritic condition, migraine headaches, pre-menstrual syndrome, and obesity in children and aids in losing unwanted fats. o Healthy Bones: As mentioned above, milk is rich in calcium, which is very essential for growth and proper development of strong bone structure. Bone disorders such as osteoporosis can be prevented with daily intake of adequate quantity of milk. Children deprived of cow milk have an increased chance of bone fractures when injured. o Healthy Teeth: Encouraging children and youngsters to drink milk would give them excellent dental health, as milk protects the enamel surface against acidic substances. Drinking milk for energy and health would dissuade children from consuming soft drinks, thus reducing the risk of decayed teeth and weak gums. o Rehydration: Fluids are an integral part of human body. The body needs to be replenished with liquids at regular intervals. It is very essential for growing children and they must drink at least six to eight glasses of fluid every day. Milk contains a good quantity of water molecules and is considered the best fluid for rehydration. o Skin Care: Have you heard of Cleopatra, the Queen of Nile? She was considered one of the most beautiful women of all times. Well you will be surprised if I tell you that Cleopatra used to have a milk bath daily! She used to mix honeyand milk and take a bath daily enabling her maintain soft and beautiful skin. Since thousands of years, milk is known to benefit our skin by helping us maintain a fair and smooth complextion. Hence, even today milk and milk products are used in a number of cosmetic preparations. Milk is also good for dry skin. If you have a dry skin apply milk on your face (and other body parts), leave it for about 15 minutes and then wash it. The milk solids nourish and smoothen your skin. The lactic acid present in milk is known to aid in removing the dead skin cells, thereby rejuvenating your skin. o Improving Diet and Vitamin Intake: According to medical research, drinking milk considerably improves our intakes of vital minerals and vitamins. A man who consumes a carton of whole milk doubles his chances of fulfilling calcium requirement per day, whereas, another person consuming a can of fizzy or carbonated drink may in reality lower his calcium levels by one third percent. o Acidity Reduction: Consumption of milk products can also help in reducing acidity o Wholesome Food: It contains a whole lot of vitamins and minerals to keep you fit, healthy and strong. A glassful of milk contains vitamin A & B for good eyesight and increasing RBC count, carbohydrates for vitality and energy, potassium for proper nerve function, magnesium for muscular function, phosphorousfor energy release, protein for body repair and growth. Back to Health Benefits of Food References: Teagasc Dairy Products Research Centre and US Department of Agriculture Source of photos:

Monday, October 29, 2012


By eating which fruits will help to increase blood platelets rapidly? Best Answer bannana, grapes, tomato strawberry, kiwie, blackberries these fruits and vegetables are spinach, cron, carrots, mashroom, potatos, sweet potatos, broccoli, peas etc. these are increas heamoglobin level in blood cell. genaraly it happens in children and owmen and pregnant owmen. if heamoglobin level more decrease then you consult with doctor Shaljam and Palak are the best sources in fruits and vegetables; if you are a non-veg - Liver is the richest source RB-TONE - a tonic specially for the purpose. Wishing everybody best health....... Green leafy vegetables, liver, rice flakes, dates, are some of the foods which increase Increase Platelet Count Naturally: Foods to Treat Low Platelet Thrombocytopenia Platelets are small, irregular shaped cell fragments present in the blood. Platelets are also known as Thrombocytes. A normal platelet count in a healthy individual is between 150,000 and 450,000 per μl (microlitre) of blood. Platelets are responsible for the clotting of blood. Maintaining proper platelet count is critical, as low count could lead to excessive bleeding that could prove fatal. On the other hand, excessive platelets could lead to thrombosis, of blood clots in vessels leading to stroke, heart ailments and could block blood vessels in other parts of the body. A low platelet count is associated with internal bleeding. This situation is far more dangerous than having a low platelet count. Causes of Decreased or Low Platelet Count There are several reasons why some people have low platelet count: • Medications: Aspirin is known to contribute to the reduction of platelet count. Ibuprofen is also known to lower platelet count, although the effect is not long lasting. • Anemia: The effect of anemia is of particular concern to women, especially during their menstrual period, wherein their platelet count are severely low. Anemia demands special attention when it begins to rob the body of iron. • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy and other similar medical treatments can also cause a reduction in the platelet count. • Dengue: Common in tropical areas in Asia and Africa, dengue is a mosquito-borne disease and can severely dent the level of platelets in the body. • Idiopathic (no known cause). • Autoimmune: There are auto antibodies within the body which destroy the platelets, thus reducing platelet count. How to Increase Platelet Count Here are some ways that will help prevent platelet count from dropping: • Take a lot of vitamin C supplements. You can obtain vitamin C from fruits and vegetables. Because vitamin C is water soluble, it can be easily absorbed by the body and will immediately help in restoring the body’s platelet count. • Herbal medications are also helpful in restoring platelet count. Pound the herb with pestle and mortar to extract the juice. Although the juice is very bitter and requires a lot of effort downing them, it is worth it. Most people even add sugar to the juice to make it more palatable and easy to drink. • However, the most common home remedy is to drink the bitter extract from a papaya leaf. Two leaves without the stalk can yield approximately two tablespoons of the extract. Question: I have tiny red dots on both feet which are recurring. They have not spread above the feet. Is it because of low platelet count. What treatment or diet to treat low platelet count should I follow? Answer: You are suffering from thrombocytopenia or a low platelet count. Thrombocytopenia Origin • A decreased platelet production within the bone marrow • An increased peripheral destruction of the platelets Types of Thrombocytopenia • Thrombocytopenia could be acute or chronic. • Acute thrombocytopenia predominantly occurs in children. • Chronic thrombocytopenia occurs in young adults. Clinical features • Easy bruising • Purpura or red spots • Epistaxis or nose bleed • Menorrhagia or prolonged and profuse menstruation • A major hemorrhage occurs rarely. Investigations • A regular blood count must be done • Sometimes a bone marrow aspirate is helpful. Treatment for Low Platelet Count • The initial treatment comprises of prednisolone. But you have to be extremely cautious and the treatment ought to be conducted under the supervision of a specialist. With this treatment, patients show a moderate response, requiring no other treatment. • In a large number, surgically removing the spleen becomes necessary. • A transfusion of platelets to bring back the count to normal. Diet to Increase Platelet Count: • Avoid all refined and processed foods – sugar, saturated fats, and aerated drinks to avoid low platelet count. Include fresh and organic foods. This will help in stimulating the body’s internal mechanism and increase platelet count. • Red foods are your key. Tomatoes, plums, watermelons, cherries and berries are loaded with vitamins and minerals and and have strong anti-oxidant properties which helps to raise platelet count. • Foods that Increase Blood Platelets Low platelet count is one of the major battles of people suffering from dengue and in other serious medical state. A healthy person should have a platelet count anywhere between 150,000 and 450,000. Some hospitals peg the levels to up to 350,000. The average lifespan of each platelet is only around 10 days so the body needs tao keep up production of new platelets which are produced in the bone marrow. Children and teens who have dengue will experience low (and dropping) of blood platelets. The platelets are one of the most important components of human blood, along with the red blood cells and plasma. So any number that is lower than the normal level, medication, therapy, surgery or even blood transfusion may be required. There are several ways to naturally increase blood platelets except in severe cases whereplatelets drop rapidly. Regular screening and blood test is important to determine the numbers ofplatelets. If the levels of platelets in the blood are slightly on the lower side, there are natural foods to help them increase. It is also advisable to consult a doctor to check the condition. The platelet count in the blood should always be within the normal range. If it is too high, it could lead to severe blood clots, which could result in a stroke. In cases of thrombocytopenia which are accounted on dengue cases, patients with low platelet could suffer from prolonged bleeding problems, blood in the urine or stools, bleeding gums and nose (epistaxis). To avert further decrease of platelet, a person should avoid refined foods, foods that contain sugar, soft drinks and other processed foods. Better switch to berries, oranges, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, papaya leaf juice, kiwi fruit, flax seed and sweet lime juice. Other natural ways to increase blood platelets is get adequate sleep and rest. Also increase the consumption of beetroots, apples, potato skins and bitter gourd. Consume at least one serving of green leafy vegetables in a day. Make it a point to consume all of them on a daily basis. Once your blood count starts going up, complex foods can be added to your diet. No junk foods along the process. Take a lot of vitamin C supplements. You can obtain vitamin C from fruits and vegetables. Because vitamin C is water soluble, it can be easily absorbed by the body and will immediately help in restoring the body’s platelet count. The most common home remedy is to drink the bitter extract from a papaya leaf. Two leaves without the stalk can yield approximately two tablespoons of the extract. On the other hand, a group of pharmacy students from the University of Sto. Tomas have studied the efficacy of herbal plant Tawa-tawa extract that said increase platelet properties. The researchers, Jeriz Anne Natividad, Hazel Lopez, Toni Ann Marie Luna, Rachelle Manalo, Jeriz Natividad and Clarisse Ngo subjected tawa-tawa’s leaves to boiling. Tawa-tawa’s platelet-increasing activity was tested on laboratory rats - Sprague-Dawley. Results of the study showed that the tawa-tawa extract was effective in increasing the platelet count of rats without notable effects in red blood cell and white blood cell counts. Omega 3 fatty acids are also considered for battling low platelet counts. And this includes cod liver oil, flax seed oil, tuna, wild salmon, and free range eggs that human body alone cannot biologically produced. It also boosts and strengthens the body’s immune system. Vegetables like broccoli, dark leafy greens, malungay, kangkong, kale and spinach help raise the platelet count and stimulate the body’s internal mechanism. Increasing platelet count is very important, especially if the problem is internal bleeding. Serious medical conditions related to platelet count drop should be reported to your doctor immediately and given medical intervention. In minor cases, you can help your body get back to its normal state of equilibrium by ingesting healthy foods to increase platelet count and keeping your body functioning at its peak efficiency. How to raise blood platelet level naturally? If you suffer from low blood platelet amounts, you may be putting your body at risk if you have a cut or break in your skin. Platelets are the tiny cells that help to form a clot in your blood, thus stopping the cut from bleeding. Each platelet sticks to another platelet as well as the damaged blood vessel's wall, which forms a clot. A normal platelet amount is anywhere from 150,000 to 450,000 units per cubic millimeter of blood. If you have a sufficient number of platelets, you are at a lower risk of hemorrhaging. Although there are pills, and medications you can take and procedures you can undergo, you can also learn how to raise blood platelet level naturally. Consume the correct types of food. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and organic options are better for you and your platelet count. Berries, green leafy vegetables, oranges, tomatoes and kiwis can help increase your platelet levels.